The Hunger Games – Gender Representations

The Hunger Games universe is a dystopia set in “Panem“, a country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and twelve districts in varying states of poverty. Every year,the ruthless Capitol randomly selects one boy and one girl, each between the ages of 12 and 18 from each of the twelve districts, pitting them against each other in a game of survival where they are forced to fight one another to the death. The victor then wins a new house for themselves and their families in their district, along with food, fame, and wealth.children are chosen to participate in a compulsory annual televised                    

Hunger Gamesdeath match called The Hunger Games.

The Hunger Games was directed by Gary Ross, produced by Nina Jacobson,and Jon Kilik, and it was written by Gary Ross, Suzanne Collins, and Billy Ray.  As I was going through the 3 guidelines I noticed that this movie also passes the Bechdel Test.  As far as the statistics for women being the main role in a movie and also for being producers my movie has both so the odds of that are pretty low.  However when talking about the binary oppositions my film does seem to have some of these.  When reading Mulvey’s article I noticed a good section on this, “we live in a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking good has been split between active/male and passive/female.  The determining male gaze projects its phantasy on to the female fire which is styled accordingly.  In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for stuning visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness.” For the most part I feel as though my movie puts Katniss the main actress) in an active female role, however there are some scenes in the movie where it does try and portray her being in the passive female role for show.

Hunger Games Scene


Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” Film Theory and Criticism : Introductory Readings. Eds. Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen. New York: Oxford UP, 1999: 833-44.

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